Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Get Help Today!Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
As the name suggests, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a stress response to a traumatic event that was either experienced, witnessed, or heard about by the disordered individual. It often develops after the sufferer has been through a terrifying situation such as combat, childhood abuse, an act of terrorism, or a horrific accident. PTSD can also occur in people who witness others being victimized, or in people whose jobs expose them to disturbing reports of violence.
A mentally healthy person who goes through a traumatic experience might feel fear or discomfort when they remember what happened. By contrast, a person with PTSD frequently and involuntarily relives the experience through flashbacks, vivid dreams, and uncontrollable thoughts. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and even attempted suicide in an effort to escape from the terrifying memories.
Molina Psychiatric Associates specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders like PTSD. We are vigilant about creating an environment where patients feel safe to share their experiences with their doctor without fear of judgement or feeling like part of an assembly line. Dr. Molina takes the time to listen to patient concerns and recommend the most helpful course of action to improve their quality of life.
About PTSD
PTSD has a long and bloody history. Soldiers who fought in World War I were said to be “shell shocked” when they ceased being able to function for no apparent reason. After World War II, soldiers suffered “combat fatigue” with symptoms like tremors, confusion, nightmares and impaired vision and hearing.
Now we know more about PTSD and its causes. 1 in 11 Americans will be diagnosed with an episode of PTSD at least once in their lives. More women than men are affected. People may experience PTSD in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, fear, anger and isolation, long after the traumatic situation has ended. They might react fearfully or violently to triggers such as loud noises, touching, or being awakened suddenly.
Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
There are four classifications of PTSD symptoms: intrusive thoughts, avoidance, negative thoughts and feelings, and reactive symptoms.
- Intrusive Thoughts. These symptoms include repeated flashbacks, disturbing and recurrent dreams, or being unable to get thoughts of the memory out of one’s head. Some people have flashbacks that make them feel like they are reliving the traumatic event over again, along with all the pain and terror they experienced the first time.
- The PTSD sufferer might go to extraordinary lengths to avoid anything that reminds them of the traumatic event. They might resist talking about what happened to them, going near the place where the event occurred, or taking part in any activities that might trigger a fight or flight response.
- Negative Thoughts and Feelings. Many people with PTSD feel like no one understands what they’re going through. They might feel disconnected from their peers. Feelings of worthlessness or ongoing anger, sadness and shame are also common.
- Reactive Symptoms. These include self-destructive behavior, sleep disturbances, lack of concentration, being easily startled, or flying into a rage. Nightmares are a common occurrence. Children with PTSD might act out the event during play sessions.
Acute Stress Disorder
This is a condition closely related to post-traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms are very similar, but acute stress disorder sets in soon after the event, while PTSD can occur much later and last for a long time. Half of all acute stress disorder patients develop PTSD. It’s estimated that 13 – 21% of car crash survivors relive the event through acute stress disorder, and up to half of all sexual assault victims and mass shooting survivors experience it as well.
Treatment for PTSD
Effective treatment for PTSD involves therapy and medication. Dr. Molina is an experienced psychiatrist with 25 years’ experience managing stress disorders. As a doctor of psychiatric medicine, he will take care of the pharmaceutical side of your treatment plan and recommend good counselors to help modify your behaviors and thought patterns. He truly cares about his patients’ well-being and listens intently to their questions and concerns.
Molina Psychiatric Associates: We Care, and We Can Help
Post-traumatic stress disorder can be frightening and debilitating. If you feel that you or someone you love might be affected by PTSD, call us right away for an evaluation. We serve the entire Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex with dignity and compassion, and we look forward to helping you take back control of your life.
Molina Psychiatric Associates: We Care, and We Can Help
Post-traumatic stress disorder can be frightening and debilitating. If you feel that you or someone you love might be affected by PTSD, call us right away for an evaluation. We serve the entire Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex with dignity and compassion, and we look forward to helping you take back control of your life.
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Molina Psychiatric Associates, P.A.
2485 E. Southlake Blvd.,
Suite 100,
Southlake, Texas 76092
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 7am - 4pm
Fridays: Closed